วันเสาร์ที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Stop Smoking Programs - Which is Best?

Stop smoking programs are a good alternative for the prospective quitter who does not want to "go it alone."

They offer structure and support, a "formula" of sorts with a series of steps for the hopeful non-smoker to follow. Many who attempt to stop smoking approach the task with the trepidation one might expect from getting thrown to the lions, and a stop smoking program with a clear beginning, end, and logical steps in between make the task appear easier and more likely to end with success.

Stop smoking programs are available in many guises.

Printed material like books and e-books abound all claiming to be the be-all, do-all, end-all solution for the quitter. There are acupuncture programs, hypnosis, shots and injections as well as a myriad of nicotine replacement therapy NRT) products. And don't forget the quit smoking pills, bupropion (Zyban, Wellbutrin) and Varenicline (Chantix). With all these options from which to choose how is the smoker to decide which program offers the best shot at success?

It helps to look at the success rates of each stop smoking program. Here are some statistics from a report by the US Surgeon General's Office:

Quitting programs combining counseling or support elements with a prescription for Bupropion SR (Zyban/Wellbutrin) found success rates were increased to 30.5%.

Quitting programs involving 91 to 300 minutes of contact time increased six month success rates to 28%.
Quitting programs involving 8 or more treatment sessions increased six month success rates to 24.7%.
7% of those who used over-the-counter nicotine patch and gum products quit for at least six months.

Here's an enigma of a program for you to consider.

It's a book by Allen Carr, "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking." Readers of my blog know that this is the stop smoking program that worked for me as well as for thousands of others.

Carr's premise is that once a smoker realizes that she really does not want or need to smoke, the process of quitting becomes a matter of simply extinguishing your last cigarette and donning the non-smoker hat. It sounds simple and actually is; as I said, it worked for me as well as Sir Richard Branson, Ellen DeGeneres,

Anthony Hopkins, and Britney Spears - sorry for the name-dropping. But what about the statistics?
Carr's organization claims a 90% success rate after 3 months and 50% after 12.

These are based on the number of people who attend their clinics and do not ask for the promised refund.

That's pretty wishy-washy statistic gathering if you ask me, but if the actual numbers are even one third those stated, Carr's method is considerably more effective than those being recommended by the American Medical Association, American Cancer Society and the American Lung Association.

Bottom line?

When looking for a stop smoking program to follow it pays to do your due diligence. Research, read, talk to friends and family who have quit, talk to your doctor-and talk to yourself. Ask yourself this question; do I really want to quit smoking? If the answer is "yes", your chance of success is astronomically higher than the person's who answers "no". And it doesn't matter nearly as much which program you choose.

