วันศุกร์ที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Best Way to Stop Smoking As Soon As Today

The recent tax increase on cigarettes is very likely to prompt a lot of people to stop smoking. Cigarettes are over eight dollars a pack in some areas. If you smoke a pack a day, that would cost you $2920 per year. You could take a pretty nice vacation with that kind of money.
Aside from the cost, there are dozens of reasons to kick the habit. They age you prematurely, they stink, they kill you prematurely. The power of nicotine is amazing. All the negative points about smoking, and people have such a hard time kicking the habit.
There is one excellent way to kick the habit that works for nearly every person that tries it
Forget the patches! Forget the sprays! Forget the pills! Forget the nicotine gums! Forget the methods that fail more times than not!
There is a method that has proven to get 99.7 percent of smokers to quit for at least one month (over 5000 people tested). The fall out rate is very, very small. Of the original 5000, 97.2 percent of them have not smoked in over six months. That is a pretty astonishing success rate, right?
The method that has proven to work so well for so many people is called NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming. It works so well, it has been dubbed the best way to stop smoking. NLP is a form of psychotherapy that can easily be applied to folks that are struggling to quit. This is one of those times where you actually want to be one of the statistics. In other words, it is time to be one of the 97.2 percent of people that easily make it six months without smoking. There is no better time than the present to get started, right?

